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Global Service Learners Logo

Thursday, August 15, 2013


Why is it we humans want to eat by water? The ocean, a bay, estuary, river, or lake. People are willing to pay more for food served next to h2o. Is this a universal truth? I am not sure. But the western world is pretty consistent at least according to my limited travels. 
Samara excels in this regard. The restaurants that dot this beach capture the seaside alfresco dining and libation experience perfectly. For example tonight I am eating a ten dollar pizza under light roped palm trees twenty yards from high tide. I can barely make out the white foam swells but its sound is as soothing and ambient as any. The bar is palm thatched. The tables areas matched chic with nautical lights on some and tea candles. Mine is also adorned with a tropical flowers in water jars. The tables are washed up, white washed roots topped with slabs of live edged wood. The seating a hodge podge of plastic arm chairs, stools or benches. This is your quintessential Central American beachside joint. 

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