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Monday, June 2, 2014

Thursday night with Max Goldenberg

Since staying in Samara, Costa Rica can be a little too much like a vacation (the beach, the activities), I like to add a little culture. So I arrange with the language school to do something cultural. One year we had a famous Costa Rican author, Tatiana Lobo come speak to the group. The kids loved it. Last year we went to Max Goldenberg’s house/farm & restaurant. We decided to do the same for this group. So Thursday after volunteer and classes, we drove to Nicoya, a town of about 8,000 people, but considered the city to many of the villages nearby. It has a small, four block downtown and an old church originally built in the 1500’s.

Max lives outside of town. His house has a giant wrap around porch with various sitting areas and tables. It doubles the size of his house. Everything is done with wood. As we arrive his grandkids and children are leaving. His wife and he greet us warmly.

We sit around some tables and he speaks to us about his creative process, Costa Rica politics (the teachers are currently on strike nationwide), and other topics related to Costa Rica. Lindsay has given everyone a copy of one of his songs, a mythical dreamlike scenario about the destruction of the planet and the students ask questions. The Spanish speakers translate for the rest of us gringos.

After, we walk a small trail to the restaurant his daughters and son-in-laws run, a brick oven pizzeria. As we drink and eat, Max, his brother Paco, and others in his band play for us. It is enchanting.

After we settle the bill, and are about to leave, Lindsay and Paco play a song. Everyone loved it!

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