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Friday, June 12, 2015

Wed W2

Wednesday week two

Now the first thing I do when I wake up is crawl into the hammock. It's a good transition from the sleeping to the waking world. 

Took some of the girls to Buene Vista. They were a bit freaked by the crocodile warning signs. But it was near low tide and everyone tells me it's been years that one was seen there. I think the signs are to keep the tourists away. We forded a thigh deep estuary with a muddy and rocky bottom. 

Next we walked to the rocky outcropping at the south end of the beach which was treacherous as well. 

On the ride home a huge tribe of howler monkeys jumped around in the trees above us. The girls loved it. 

I met up with Maria Fernanda and Wolfgang after CREAR at their house.  Wolf showed me a picture he had of Samara from the early nineties. It was amazing how much had changed in twenty plus years. He was optimistic about Samaras  growth. I learned the two small villages south of Samara are called "singing Hawks" and "singing frogs". I understand the singing frogs as there is a large marsh where the frogs are cacophonous. It was a good visit with friends I have known for five years. 

After I had my hour English class with the three ladies. I had given them a pack of flash cards to study and they memorized them all! To have such students is beyond refreshing. 

On my way home I drove into Flying Taco for a quick bite but ended up staying for a couple hours. There was a band (Scott from Vela Latina was on drums). Ashley one of the students joined me along with her friend Maddie from Palo Alto who had attended UConn her first years and is finishing up her pre-med at Tufts while also playing volleyball. Impressive kid. 

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